Workforce Energy Training through School of Energy
Meet your workforce training needs with the School of Energy’s one-day credited courses. Upon request, we provide training courses that are designed for anyone currently employed in the industry. If you don’t see the course you are looking for, give us a call. We offer customized trainings!
Energy Training Courses
Basic principles of wellbore, wellhead, and Christmas tree design and operation for lease operators (aka MSOs, field technicians, pumpers). Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding maintenance issues and potential malfunctions, leading to basic operations and troubleshooting tasks.
Basic principles of separator and tank design for production operations. Includes standard terminology for effective communication regarding: principles of separation, separator components, preventive maintenance, and operational efficiencies; types of tanks, regulatory compliance, maintenance issues, and reasons for tank failure.
Basic principles of the design and operation of a plunger lift system and its relationship to the wellhead separator. Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding incremental deliquification for maximum uplift, maintenance issues, and potential malfunctions. By understanding and correctly identifying plunger lift system design and function, students will be able to perform basic operations and troubleshooting tasks.
Basic principles of the design and operation of a pumping unit aka beam lift, and its relationship to the wellhead separator. Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding maintenance issues and potential malfunctions. By understanding and correctly identifying pumping unit (surface equipment and downhole insert pump) design and function, students will be able to perform basic operations and troubleshooting tasks.
Basic principles of the design and operation of gas lift. Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding maintenance issues and potential malfunctions. By correctly identifying gas lift design and function, students will be able to understand how to operate and perform basic troubleshooting for gas lift wells.
Basic principles of the design and operation of gas measurement. Standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding maintenance issues and potential malfunctions. Skills, techniques, and procedures to properly perform routine gas measurements and correctly document data to meet government regulations and company requirements. Additional topics: natural gas composition; types of meters; auxiliary equipment; sampling; inspection of measurement equipment; gas sales contracts & unaccounted-for (ghost) gas.
Basic principles of dehydration, dehydrator skid design, and operation for production operations. Includes standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding maintenance issues and potential malfunctions of skid components. Covers basic troubleshooting.
Basic principles of the design and operation of automation. Identifying automation equipment and its location on the well site. Terminology to promote effective communication regarding troubleshooting and potential malfunctions. Offers an overview of generic automation components including the solar panel, RTU, host, end devices, etc. and includes rationale for and economic value of automation. Introduces digital multimeter (DMM) use.
Basic principles of compression, and compressor skid design and operation for production operations; includes standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding maintenance issues and potential malfunctions of skid components. Covers design and function for basic troubleshooting.
Basic theory of line locating including buried utility line and well location flow lines. Lecture and equipment training; students must be able to walk long distances, including steep inclines.
Basic science of electricity current flow, voltage, resistance, AC/DC circuits, reactive load, impedance, and basic concepts of electrical generation, etc., including basic electrical safety.
Internal combustion engines: combustion characteristics, lean burn and rich burn engines, 3 major components required for combustion, etc.
Basic compressor valve operation; how to use valves for optimization; includes repair and troubleshooting.
Use of the multimeter, a measuring tool/device, in all its capabilities—Ohms, capacitance, resistance, voltage AC/DC, etc. (use Fluke 87 multi-meter, or students can bring their own).
Chemical components of emissions; combustion control and emissions; emissions laws and standards; demonstrations and use of emissions analyzer.
How to read precise measuring instruments, including inside, outside, depth micrometers, calipers, tape measures, etc.
Basic design and operation of typical produced water disposal well and equipment. Instruction provides students with standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding the injection well, operating and maintenance of the surface equipment in addition to storage tank issues and potential malfunctions.
Brief overview of where and how compressors were introduced to produce natural gas. Covers compressor use to accelerate the movement of gas while providing increased pipeline and reduced gathering-system pressures from the wellhead, through a treatment plant, to the “end user.” Basics of identifying external components of, and operating, a wellhead compressor skid. Includes discovering downtime reasons and safely returning the compressor skid to full operations.
Course presents basic principles of improving operational efficiency by focusing on Two-stage Three-phase separators and the LPUD, understanding the flow through each and learning how the valves and controllers function as a system. Students will gain an understanding of how control systems function and how to test them. The course also focuses on winterization techniques used to ensure operational efficiency during winter operations.
Course provides instruction on measurement methodologies and regulatory requirements for hydrocarbon storage tank liquids and natural gas measurement. Class will include API calculations and regulations for measuring both liquids and gas. Students will be introduced to the economics of accurate and inaccurate measurement methods.
Basic design and operation of how to prevent internal and external corrosion issues for the Oil & Gas Industry. Instruction provides students with standard terminology to promote effective communication regarding the process of how corrosion is created and the operational and economic problems caused if it is not used.
Students will learn standard terminology for effective communication regarding witnessing and the resulting financial implications. By understanding measurement and witnessing techniques, students will be able to perform basic inspections and corrections. Course includes natural gas composition; meter construction; auxiliary equipment; sampling; inspection of equipment; and gas sales contracts.
Course presents basic principles of common types of valves and controllers found on a wellsite, how they function and their applications. Students will gain an understanding of how to identify symptoms of improper operation, common causes of failures and how to make minor repairs/adjustments. They will also disassemble and assemble several types of controllers to facilitate their understanding of the repair, maintenance and operation of the valves and controllers.
Course presents basic principles of common types of pressure and temperature controllers found on a wellsite, how they function and their applications. Students will gain an understanding of how to identify symptoms of improper operation, common causes of failures and how to make minor repairs/adjustments. They will also disassemble and assemble several types of controllers to facilitate their understanding of the repair, maintenance and operation of the devices.
Course presents the basic concepts of lease acquisition and development costs. The rates of return on investments are discussed as they pertain to a company’s strategy and economic health. The concept of the net present value of money and the future value of money is related to production and sales.
Course presents the basic concepts of chemical use in the oil and gas industry. The fundamental descriptions of several common chemical applications and how they work in field applications are discussed. A basic description of various chemical treatments and how they are applied.